Decriminalizing Disease: A Health Justice Approach to Infectious Diseases and Criminal Law
Sean E. Bland
Steve Leben
Abigail Riddle
Jordan Whitfield
Cody T. Preston
Constitutional Law and Tax Expenditures: A Prelude
Johnny Rex Buckles
Layne S. Keele
Privacy’s Commodification and the Limits of Antitrust
Jeffrey L. Vagle
Toxic Love: Mandating Standards in Arkansas’s Domestic Violence Laws
Alia B. Reddell
Two Heads are Better than One: Single Pilot Operation Threatens the Safety of the Friendly Skies
Alexandria E. Rook
Setting the Record Straight: Why the NBA Needs to Officially Adopt ABA Statistics
Roy E. Brownell II
Resilient Cities and the Housing Trust
Marc L. Roark and Lorna F. O'Mahony
Kidfluencers: New Child Stars in Need of Protection
MiKayla B. Jayroe
Hiding in Plain Sight: How Corporations Can Save the National Park Service
Emily H. Rector
Narrowing From Below: How Lower Courts Can Limit Castro-Huerta
Michaela B. Parks
John A. Curtis
Melissa Mortazavi
Jeff Sovern and Nahal Heydari
The Data Heist: Protecting Consumers and Their Information Through Opt-In ConsentJohn A. Hudson
Money Talks: Implementing Open Banking in The United States
Hailey M. Petit
Travis R. Linn
Keynote Address by CFTC Commissioner Kristin Johnson
Kristin N. Johnson
Carol R. Goforth
The Aim to Decentralize Economic Systems With Blockchains and Crypto
Mary Lacity
Wanted: A Prudential Framework for Crypto Assets
Lee Reiners and Sangita Gazi
Q&A: A Conversation with SEC Comissioner Hester Peirce
Hester Peirce
Jissel Esparza
Houston Downes
Constitutional Law and Tax Expenditures: A Prelude
Amnon Lehavi
Racial Diversity and Law Firm Economics
Jack Thorlin
Searching for a Compromise: A Case for the Crypto Like-Kind Exchange
John Paul Boyter
The Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations: Past, Present, and Future
Samantha Doss
Special Purpose Acquisition Companies: Wall Street’s Latest Shell Game
Daniel J. Morrissey
Steven R. Smith
Crying Wolves, Paper Tigers, and Busy Beavers—Oh My!: A New Approach to Pro Se Prisoner Litigation
Justin C. Van Orsdol
Josie A. Bates
Natalie C. Fortner
Is “Touch And Concern” Dead in Arkansas?: A Recent Case and Its Implications for Real Covenants
Bennett J. Waddell
Special Purpose Acquisition Companies: Wall Street’s Latest Shell Game
Daniel J. Morrissey
Steven R. Smith
Philip L. Bruner
Crying Wolves, Paper Tigers, and Busy Beavers—Oh My!: A New Approach to Pro Se Prisoner Litigation
Justin C. Van Orsdol
Josie A. Bates
Natalie C. Fortner
Is “Touch And Concern” Dead in Arkansas?: A Recent Case and Its Implications for Real Covenants
Bennett J. Waddell
Philip L. Bruner
Construction Law: The English Route to Modern Construction Law
Vivian Ramsey
Structural Precarity and Potential in Condominium Governance Design
Andrea J. Boyack
Carl J. Circo
Equitable, Affordable and Climate-Cognizant Housing Construction
Shelby D. Green
Marc M. Schneier
Construction Liens and the "Secret Lien" Problem
Dale Whitman
Recent Development: Arkansas Insurance Dep't. Final Rule 126: "Insurance Business Transfers"
Silas Heffley
Bailey R. Geller
Arkansas Law Review's 75th Anniversary Remarks
Steve Caple and Erron Smith
Bryan Altman
Noy Naaman
The Future of the Allen Charge in the New Millennium
Caleb Epperson
Brett Whitley
Why Arkansas Act 710 Was Upheld, and Will Be Again
Mark Goldfeder
Slavery and the History of Congress's Enumerated Powers
Jeffrey Schmitt
Nonlawyers in the Legal Profession: Lessons from the Sunsetting of Washington's LLLT Program
Lacy Ashworth
Reassociating Student Rights: Giving It the Ole College Try
Tyler Mlakar
The Problem of Qualified Immunity in K-12 Schools
Sarah Smith
Silas Heffley
Nicole B. Godfrey
Mark A. Graber
The National Popular Vote on Trial
Keaton Barnes
The High Price of Poverty in Arkansas’s Courts: Rethinking the Utility of Municipal Fines and Fees
Madison Miller
McKenna Moore
Farmer Cooperatives "Take Cover": The Capper-Volstead Exemption is Under Siege
Donald M. Barnes, Jay L. Levine
Symposium: Giving Korematsu v. United States A Sober Second Thought
Nick Bell, Emily Levy, Julian Sharp
Sober Second Thought? Korematsu Reconsidered
Mark Killenbeck
Korematsu as the Tribute that Vice Pays to Virtue
Jack M. Balkin
Korematsu, Hawaii, and Pedagogy
Sanford Levinson
Darrell A.H. Miller
There was Nothing "Neutral" about Executive Order 9066
Eric L. Muller
Robert L. Tsai
A Government of Laws that is a Government of Men and Women
Mark Tushnet
Fighting the FTCA: Medical Malpractice, Veterans, and the VA
Taylor C. Spillers
Clinton T. Summers
Farmer Cooperatives "Take Cover": The Capper-Volstead Exemption is Under Siege
Donald M. Barnes, Jay L. Levine
Thomas J. Molony
Nondelegation of Major Questions
Clinton T. Summers
Lee VanHorn
Greenbacks, Consent, and Unwritten Amendments
John M. Bickers
Diligence and Belated Appeals: Ark R. App P.-Civ. 4(b)(3) in Theory and Practice
Johnathan D. Horton
Clinton T. Summers
Consent By Registration: The "Back-Door Thief"
Nate Arrington
The Post-Conviction Claim That Unites Death Row
Emily Levy
Caleb Ward
The Comparative Legal Landscape of Educational Pluralism
Nicole Stelle Garnett
The Jones Trespass Doctrine and the Need for a Reasonable Solution to Unreasonable Protection
Geoffrey Corn
A Quiet War: The Judiciary's Steady and Unspoken Effort to Limit Felony-Murder
Maggie Davis
Buzz Hardin
Securing Crypto: Exempting Certain Cryptoassets from the Arkansas Securities Act
Jesse Kloss
New Things Under the Sun: How the CFTC is Using Virtual Currencies to Expand Its Jurisdiction
James Michael Blakemore
Sharon E. Foster
The Case for Preempting State Money Transmission Laws for Crypto-Based Businesses
Carol R. Goforth
Crypto and Blockchain Fundamentals
Mary C. Lacity
Do We Need KYC/AML: The Bank Secrecy Act and Virtual Currency Exchanges
Stan Sater
"Against the Defendant": Plea Rule's Purpose v. Plain Meaning
Nick Bell
Peyton Hildebrand
Freedom of Expression Within the Schoolhouse Gate
Justin Driver
Catherine Martin Christopher
Arkansas Law Review Editors
McCulloch's "Perpetually Arising" Questions
David S. Schwartz
Does Importance Equal Greatness? Reflections on John Marshall and McCulloch v. Maryland
Sanford Levinson
Richard Primus
McCulloch and the American Regime
Mark A. Graber
Franita Tolson
McCulloch v. Madison: John Marshall's Effort to Bury Madisonian Federalism
Kurt Lash
David S. Schwartz
Maggie Geren
Unbuckling the Seat Belt Defense in Arkansas
Spencer G. Dougherty
Same Grid, Different Results: Criminal Sentencing Disparities Between Arkansas Counties
Alexis Stevens
Intended Injury: Transferred Intent and Reliance in Climate Change Fraud
Wes Henricksen
Mark R. Killenbeck
Taylor Farr
Wire(less) Tapping: Protecting Arkansans' Fourth Amendment Right in the Era of the Cloud
Erin James
Peyton Hildebrand
Double Fault: How the NCAA's No-Agent Rule Serves Legal and Policy Errors into the Courts of Tennis
Christopher M. Hartley
Browne C. Lewis
The New Ice Age: Addressing the Deficiencies in Arkansas's Posthumously Conceived Children Satute
Patrick Grecu
Dankruptcy: When the Green Runs out, Marijuana Debtors have few Options
Jorge J. Rodriguez
Nancy Smith
Danielle Weatherby
Breaking the Norm of School Reform
Derek W. Black
Perversity as Rationality in Teacher Evaluation
Scott R. Bauries
Kevin P. Brady and Wayne D. Lewis Jr.
Charter Schools, Academy Schools, and Related-Party Transactions: Same Scams, Different Countries
Preston C. Green III and Chelsea E. Connery
Enforcing the Right to Public Education
Areto A. Imoukhuede
In the Room Where it Happens: Including the “Public’s Will” in Judicial Review of Agency Action
Preston C. Green III and Chelsea E. Connery
Enforcing the Right to Public Education
Twinette L. Johnson
Rethinking Constitutionality in Education Rights Cases
Joshua E. Weishart
Raelynn J. Hillhouse
Expanding Peña-Rodriguez v. Colorado to Protect Criminal Defendants from Explicit Gender Animus
Katie Hicks
David S. Schwartz
Sanford Levinson
Mark R. Killenbeck
Mark A. Graber
Defying McCulloch? Jackson’s Bank Veto Reconsidered
David S. Schwartz
What FEMA Should Do After Puerto Rico: Toward Critical Administrative Constitutionalism
Yxta Maya Murray
Identities Lost: Enacting Federal Law Mandating Disclosure & Notice After a Data Security Breach
John Ogle
Brad Aldridge
Raelynn J. Hillhouse
Alexa Z. Chew
David Russell
"Body" Building: Expanding Arkansas's Standard for Holographic Wills
Andrew L. Lawson
Maddy Goss
Jessica Guarino
Deceptively Simple: the Arkansas Deceptive Trade Practices Act
Margaret E. Rushing
Raelynn J. Hillhouse
Daniel N. Clay
The Constitutional Rights of Advanced Robots (and of Human Beings)
R. George Wright
Medical Marijuana in Arkansas: The Risks of Rushed Drafting
Carol Goforth and Robyn Goforth
Samuel D. Hodge and Maria Zambrano Steinhaus
Too Plain to Be Misunderstood: Sovereign Immunity Under the Arkansas Constitution
Robert C. Dalby
Marijuana Business Attorneys and the Professional Deference Standard
Andrew Dixon
Recent Developments, Vol. 71, No. 3
Raelynn J. Hillhouse
Keynote: Motivating Private Climate Governance: The Role of the Efficiency Gap
Michael P. Vandenbergh
Contracting for Sustainable Surface Management
Tara Righetti
Board Rooms and Jail Cells: Assessing NGO Approaches to Private Environmental Governance
Joshua Ulan Galperin
Food Sustainability in the Age of Complex, Global Supply Chains
Steph Tai
Reclaiming Energy Efficiency in an Age of Petroleum Exclusion
Monika Ehrman
Green Supply Chain Management: A Perspective on Best Practices in GSCM Design
Leroy Paddock and Natasha Rao
McKenzie Raub
Incapacity and the Infancy Illation
Ralph C. Brashier
Barbara Kritchevsky
Employment by Design: Employees, Independent Contractors and the Theory of the Firm
Richard R. Carlson
Moral Context and Risks of Death
Dov Waisman
Admission of Deaf Soldiers to the Military: Rethinking the “Undifferentiated Soldier” Paradigm
Michael Schwartz
Zachary R. Trail
Solving Sewer Service: Fighting Fraud with Technology
Adrian Gottshall
Alexa Z. Chew
First-Generation Students in Law School: A Proven Success Model
Jacqueline M. O'Bryant and Katharine Traylor Schaffzin
Framing Failure in the Legal Classroom: Techniques for Encouraging Growth and Resilience
Kaci Bishop
Originalism’s Claims and Their Implications
André LeDuc
Low-Income Fathers, Adoption, and the Biology Plus Test for Paternal Rights
Lacey Johnson
Jessica M. Kiser
Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Shark Thank Shouldn't be the Model
Brian Kingsley Krumm
Bobbi Jo Boyd
Andrew C. Michaels
Sam F. Halabi
Civil Society and Cybersurveillance
Andrew McCanse Wright
Improving the Indigent Defense Crisis Through Decriminalization
Bryan Altman
Eleven Years of Lethal Injection Challenges in Arkansas
Julie Vandiver
Jelani J. Exum
Chasing Justice: The Monumental Task of Undoing a Capital Conviction and Death Sentence
Jennifer L. Givens
Death Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
Janet C. Hoeffel
Keep Tinkering: The Optimist and the Death Penalty
Susan D. Rozelle
The Coming Federalism Battle in the War over the Death Penalty
Michael J. Zydney Mannheimer
Capital Punishment: The Great American Paradox
A. M. Stroud III
Death Row Conditions Through an Environmental Justice Lens
Andrea C. Armstrong
Clay D. Sapp
A Deliberate Departure: Making Physician-Assisted Suicide Comfortable for Vulnerable Patients
Browne Lewis
Protecting the Viability of the Small Donor in Modern Elections
Ben Miller
Why Kindergarten Is Too Late: The Need for Early Childhood Remedies in School Finance Litigation
Kevin Woodson
Arkansas Open Carry: Understanding Law Enforcement’s Legal Capability Under a Difficult Statute
J. Harrison Berry
Daisy C. Karlson
Kyle Kennedy
Marsha B. Freeman
Darlene C. Goring
What Good Is Religious Freedom? Locke, Rand, and the Non-Religious Case for Respecting It
Tara Smith
J. Thomas Sullivan
Ron Johnson
Recent Developments for Volume 69, Number 4
Daisy C. Karlson
History and Constitutional Interpretation: Some Lessons from the Vice Presidency
Joel K. Goldstein
The Law Demands Process for Rehomed Children
Sally Terry Green
Utilitarianism and Wealth Transfer Taxation
Jennifer Bird-Pollan
Frank Griffin, M.D., J.D.
Dr. Anna High
Nutrient Water Quality Trading: A Market-Based Solution to Water Pollution in the Natural State
Nathan Finch
Recent Developments, Volume 69, Number 3
Daisy C. Karlson
The Evolution of Oil and Gas Conservation Law and the Rise of Unconventional Hydrocarbon Production
Owen L. Anderson
Rules Done Right: How Arkansas Brought Its Oil and Gas Law into a Horizontal World
Thomas A. Daily
Unitization: A Partial Solution to the Issues Raised by Horizontal Well Development in Shale Plays
Bruce M. Kramer
What the Frack? Judicial, Legislative, and Administrative Responses to a New Drilling Paradigm
Patrick H. Martin
The History of Oil and Gas Conservation Legislation in Arkansas
Phillip E. Norvell
G. Alan Perkins
Developing a Correlative Rights Doctrine to Accommodate Development of Oil and Gas in Arkansas
David E. Pierce
Strudwick Marvin Rogers
Casting Pearls Before Swine: How the Buffalo River Incarnates the Gap in Wild and Scenic Legislation
Micah Goodwin
Cristen C. Handley
“CAFA-nated”: A Jittery Interpretation of Forum Selection in Standard Fire Insurance Co. v. Knowles
Jessica K. Pruitt
Recent Developments for Volume 68, Issue 2
Britta Palmer Stamps
Pamela J. Meanes
Tracie R. Porter
Everett Bellamy
Tracie R. Porter
Victoria C. Duke
Seeking Educational Equality in the North: The Integration of the Hillburn School System
Peter C. Alexander
Education in Black America: Is It the New Jim Crow?
Ellen Marrus
Tracie R. Porter
“Law Is Coercion”: Revisiting Judicial Power to Provide Equality in Public Education
Jose’ Felipe’ Anderson
Stereotype and School Pushout: Race, Gender, and Discipline Disparities
Janel A. George
Linda Sheryl Greene
Regina Ramsey James
Militarization of School Police: One Route on the School-to-Prison Pipeline
Bethany J. Peak
Carl J. Circo
“Danger Is My Business”: The Right to Manufacture Unsafe Products
Richard C. Ausness
“Schoolhouse Block”: Why the Arkansas Public School Choice Act Should Be Improved but Not Eliminated
Brinkley Beecher Cook-Campbell
“That’s Just Pillow Talk, Baby”: Spousal Privileges and the Right to Privacy in Arkansas
Philip A. Elmore
Does Father Know Best? Arkansas’s Approach to the “Thwarted” Putative Father
Tiffany N. Godwin
Fired for Being Gay: Should Arkansas Ban This Form of Discrimination?
Brittany Renai King
Britta Palmer Stamps
Forging a New Breed: The Emergence of Veterans’ Preference Statutes Within the Private Sector
Michael D. Sutton
Britta Palmer Stamps
Good Faith and Reasonable Expectations
Jay Feinman
Lost and Found: David Hoffman and the History of American Legal Ethics
Michael Ariens
Jason Paul Bailey
Michael K. Goswami
ABCs and AR-15s: Arming Arkansas’ Teachers
Thomas Christoph Keller
Mark A. Fritsche
A Problematic Procedure: The Struggle for Control of Procedural Rulemaking Power
Austin A. King
Lauren G. Summerhill
Britta Palmer Stamps
Antipoverty in Constitutional Law: Some Recent Developments
Frank I. Michelman
Andrea J. Boyack & William E. Foster
Nathan Price Chaney
Ethics, Legal Ethics, and the Classical Tradition
Leon Holmes
Corporate Self-Representation: Is It Truly the Unauthorized Practice of Law?
Suzannah R. McCord
Linda K. Bird
Emily C. Goins
A Proposal for a Voter-Identification Law Limiting Voter Disenfranchisement
Brandon Whit Maxey
Graham C. Talley
Mark James Chaney