Student Code of Conduct

Those who enter the legal profession must be persons of integrity, meriting at all times the trust of their clients, associates, and other members of the bar and community. The process of earning trust cannot await graduation but begins with law school matriculation. To that end, the Code of Conduct establishes norms regarding academic honestly and ethical behavior that are subject to disciplinary action if violated.

The Code of Conduct, like the American Bar Association’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct, is self-regulating which demands the cooperation of each member of the law school community. Each student, faculty member, and staff member has a responsibility to report a suspected violation of the Code. This reporting obligation is satisfied by contacting any member of the Conduct Council, any faculty member, or any member of the law school administration.

You can download the entire Student Code of Conduct as a PDF (March 2024)

Annual Notice of Applicable Conduct Codes and Processes

This information is provided annually to the law school community to ensure understanding of the sources of law and policy governing student conduct. It is important that all faculty, staff, and students understand the information to ensure questions are answered accurately and referrals are made appropriately and timely. The document does not contain detailed information concerning the specific language or steps contained within the applicable codes. Those details may be found by following the embedded links or asking the appropriate administrator. The information contained is basic knowledge with which all law school students, faculty, and staff should be familiar.

You can download the Annual Notice of Applicable Conduct Codes and Processes as a PDF

Student Conduct Council

Students are elected annually to the Conduct Council. Rising 2L and 3L members are elected in the spring, while the 1L members are elected in the early part of the fall semester. These elections are held in concert with the Student Bar Association’s elections.

The election in Fall 2021 to select two 1L students will take place during the second week of classes, August 30 – Sept. 5. In addition, this election will include a vacancy for one of the 2L voting seats.

Voting Student Members

Membership of the Student Conduct Council shall include six students in good academic standing, who shall be entitled to vote in council proceedings. Two members shall be elected from each of the three law school classes.

Nonvoting Student Members

Membership of the council shall include two nonvoting student representatives-at-large in good academic standing, one from the second year class and one from the third year class. These student members shall generally have the responsibility for investigating alleged violations of the code and presenting evidence of violations at council hearings.

Faculty Representative

Membership of the council shall include one member of the faculty. This faculty member shall be entitled to full membership and shall have the right to vote in council proceedings. This member shall also be expected to provide such advice, recommendations, or other assistance as the member may deem necessary or desirable.

The dean shall appoint the faculty representative to serve on the council and shall appoint alternate faculty representatives who shall serve when the regular faculty representative is unable to serve or is disqualified from serving. Both the regular and alternate representatives shall serve for a two-year term beginning on July 1st of the year appointed.