Transfer Students

We are here to help you accomplish your academic goals and finish your college journey.

A law student who has completed one year of legal studies with satisfactory scholarship in a law school accredited by the American Bar Association is eligible to be considered for transfer to the University of Arkansas School of Law.

The amount of transfer credit to be granted will depend on the quality of performance and the relation of completed courses to this school’s program. A maximum of 30 credits may be accepted for transfer credit. Credit or units only (not grades) are transferable. Credits will not be accepted for any course or other work in which a grade below 2.0 or equivalent is given at another law school.

Failure to disclose attendance at another college or law school or expulsion or suspension is sufficient grounds to require withdrawal from the School of Law.

Transfer Application Requirements

  1. A completed J.D. Transfer Electronic/Online Application
  2. An updated resume
  3. A short statement explaining your interest in transferring to the University of Arkansas School of Law
  4. A current Credential Assembly Service (CAS) report
  5. A letter from the dean/registrar of your current law school indicating your class rank and certifying that you are in good standing and eligible to continue study. This letter must be sent directly from your current law school to our Office of Admissions. Please have your current law school email this letter to, if possible. If it is not possible to email, please have your current law school mail your Letter of Good Standing to Office of Admissions, 1045 W Maple St., Fayetteville, AR 72701.
  6. An official law school transcript showing all first-year courses and final grades, sent via LSAC. Please do not send your final law school transcript to us via email or mail.
  7. You may submit your transfer application before completion of your first year, but we will not be able to make a decision on your application until we receive a (1) Letter of Good Standing showing your class rank after you receive your Spring semester grades and (2) a transcript that includes your Spring semester grades.

Contact Admissions

All correspondence concerning the transfer application should be directed to the Office of Admissions. For more information about the transfer admissions process, contact the Office of Admissions at 479-575-3102 or

Office of Admissions
University of Arkansas School of Law
1045 W. Maple St.
Fayetteville, AR 72701
tel: 479-575-3102
fax: 479-575-3937