Academic Success

Through the law school's Academic Success program, we are dedicated to helping each law student achieve their academic potential. We work with both incoming and current law students. For first year students, we offer workshops and one on one mentoring to help students adapt their study skills to the demands of law school. Throughout law school, we work with students to assess strengths and weaknesses, implement effective study techniques and improve academic performance. We also provide effective study resources, assist students with time management, work on managing law school stress and assist with academic course selection.

The university is committed to to providing an accessible, usable and welcoming environment for faculty, staff, students, applicants, visitors, and participants in programs and services.

We strive for an inclusive approach to all aspects of accessibility on campus and to have all members of the campus community engaged in shared responsibility for accessibility of our programs, services, and activities.

This website serves as a resource and centralization of accessibility and accommodations related information for the campus community.

Our primary goals are to enhance students' law school learning and give students the support they need to succeed in law school, on the bar exam and in their careers.

One on one advising is available to all law students.