Hartman Hotz Lectures in Law and Liberal Arts
The Hartman Hotz Lectures in Law and Liberal Arts brings notable scholars from across
the nation and around the world to share their experiences with students and the university
community. The series is sponsored by the University of Arkansas School of Law, J.
William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences and Hartman Hotz Trust Committee.
Palmer and Marie Brase Hotz of Foster City, California, established the University of Arkansas Hartman Hotz Lectures in Law and the Liberal Arts to honor the memory of Palmer’s brother, Hartman Hotz. Hartman Hotz earned a Bachelor of Arts in history from Fulbright College. After graduating from Yale University Law School, he joined the faculty of the University of Arkansas School of Law, where he made significant contributions to the study of law.
An endowed chair for the dean of the College of Education and Health Professions was named for Palmer and Hartman’s father, Henry G. Hotz, who served as the college’s fourth dean for nine years.
Hartman Hotz Lectures are held each fall and spring. The School of Law and Fulbright College are each responsible for programming distinguished lecturers for the series.