Hartman Hotz Lectures in Law and Liberal Arts

Previous Lectures

Hartman Hotz Lectures are held each fall and spring. The School of Law and Fulbright College are each responsible for programming distinguished lecturers for the series.

Previous lecturers have included:

D. Wendy Greene, director of the Center for Law, Policy, and Social Action at Drexel University Kline School of Law (Spring 2024)

Nicole Stelle Garnett, John P. Murphy Foundation Professor of Law at Notre Dame Law School (Spring 2020)

Justin Driver, author of The Schoolhouse Gate: Public Education, the Supreme Court, and the Battle for the American Mind, Fall 2019.

Deborah Jones Merritt, the John Deaver Drinko-Baker and Hostetler Chair in Law at Ohio State University (Fall 2015)

Richard J. M. Blackett, the Andrew Jackson professor of history at Vanderbilt University (Spring 2015)

Mark E. Neely Jr., Pulitzer Prize winner and the McCabe Greer Professor in the American Civil War Era at the Pennsylvania State University (Fall 2014)

Michael K. Honey, professor of labor, ethnic studies and American history at the University of Washington (Spring 2014)

Geir Lundestad, secretary of the Norwegian Nobel Committee and director of the Nobel Institute (Spring 2014)

Paul Finkelman, the President William McKinley Distinguished Professor of Law and Public Policy and Senior Fellow in the Government Law Center at Albany Law School (Spring 2014)

Richard White, the Margaret Byrne Professor of History at Stanford University (Fall 2012)

Jack Rakove, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and the William Robertson Coe Professor of History and American Studies and professor of political science and law at Stanford University (Spring 2012)

Robert Post, the Dean of Yale Law School, and Frederick Schauer, the former Dean of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government (Fall 2011)

Sir David Cannadine, Dodge Professor of History at Princeton University (Fall 2011)

Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, Professor in the history department at Notre Dame (Spring 2011)

Ronald D. Rotunda, the Doy & Dee Henley Chair and Distinguished Professor of Jurisprudence at the Champman University School of Law (Fall 2010)

Steven Hahn, the Roy F. and Jeannette P. Nichols Professor of History at the University of Pennsylvania (Fall 2010)

Nelson Lichtenstein, author of The Retail Revolution: How Wal-Mart Created a Brave New World of Business (Spring 2010)

Rabbi Arie Strikovsky, the Rabbi who was the first to ordain the first publicly ordained female Orthodox rabbi (Spring 2010)

Hiroshi Motomura, Professor of law at the University of California, Los Angeles (Fall 2009)

The Right Honorable Henry McLeish, former First Minister of Scotland, a Fellow of Cambridge and of Edinburgh, a former member of Parliament in the United Kingdom, a former member of the United Kingdom government under Tony Blair, and a former professional footballer (Fall 2009)

David Snow, the Chancellor’s Professor of Sociology at the Universal of California-Irvine (Fall 2009)

Eric Foner, the DeWitt Clinton Professor of History at Columbia University (Fall 2009)

Fred Donner, Professor of Near Eastern history at the University of Chicago (Spring 2009)

Nadine Strossen, President of the American Civil Liberties Union from 1991 through October 2008 (Fall 2008)

Tori Adams of the University of Arkansas Young Democrats & Rachel Davis of the College Republicans (Fall 2008)

Ronald J. Krotoszynski Jr., Professor of Law at Washington & Lee University School of Law, & John S. Stone, chair in law at the University of Alabama School of Law (Spring 2008)

Henry F. Schaefer III, a highly cited chemist, former professor of chemistry at the University of California, Berkely and former Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry and director of the Center for Computational Chemistry at the University of Georgia (Spring 2008)

Henry McLeish, Donald Kelley, Bob McMath, Todd Shields, Stephen Sheppard, Panel of five University of Arkansas scholars (Fall 2007)

http://news.uark.edu/articles/10077/hartman-hotz-lecture-series-to-host-harvard-law-professor, the William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law at Harvard Law School (Fall 2007)

L.A. Theatre Works, Gregory Harrison, Hoyt Purvis, director of the international relations program in Fulbright College (Fall 2007)

Patricia A. Gozemba & Karen Kahn, authors of Courting Equality: A Documentary History of America’s First Legal Same-Sex Marriages (Fall 2007)

Lord Robin Butler, Alberto Mora and William Howard Taft IV, & Jeremy Waldron, four of the world’s top authorities on the legal issues related to intelligence gathering in a free society (Spring 2007)

Ted Steinberg, the Adeline Barry Davee Distinguished Professor of History and Professor of Law at Case Western Reserve University (Spring 2007)

Cecil Roberts, a sixth-generation coal miner and president of the United Mine Workers of America (Spring 2007)

Melvin I. Urofsky, Historian, professor and writer (Fall 2006)

Jim and Lois Horton, co-authors of Slavery and the Making of America (Fall 2006)

The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till, documentary showing by filmmaker Keith Beauchamp (Spring 2006)

The Right Honorable Henry McLeish, former First Minister of Scotland, a Fellow of Cambridge and of Edinburgh, a former member of Parliament in the United Kingdom, a former member of the United Kingdom government under Tony Blair, and a former professional footballer, (Fall 2004)