Recent LGBTQ Law & Policy Courses

Law & Sexuality

This survey course explores legal issues surrounding sexuality. The course objectives are to: (1) provide an introduction to several different areas of the law involving sexuality and gender identity/expression, and (2) reflect critically on the ways in which the law historically and currently regulates and constructs sexuality and gender. Key areas include legislation, constitutional law, criminal law, and family law. This is a two-credit course.

Atkinson LGBTQ Law & Policy Colloquium

This course is part of the Richard B. Atkinson LGBTQ Law & Policy Colloquium, an annual series that brings in prominent speakers who are working on a diverse range of LGBTQ law and policy topics of interest to the Arkansas community. The colloquium provides a forum for scholars to present cutting-edge research and engage with both law and non-law students who enroll in the colloquium at the University of Arkansas. This is a two-credit course.

LGBTQ Communities and Criminal Justice

This two-credit course is dedicated to issues involving how lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) communities and individuals come into contact with and experience the criminal justice system. To explore these issues, the course will examine sources from multiple disciplines, including law, criminology, sociology, psychology, and LGBTQ/feminist studies. Specific areas to be covered include victimization, offending, policing, courts, and incarceration.

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