Recent LGBTQ Law & Policy Research at the School of Law


Danielle Weatherby, “Contemplating Masterpiece Cakeshop” 74 WASH. & LEE L. REV. ONLINE 86 (2017) (co-authored with Terri Day).

Danielle Weatherby, “LGBT Rights and the Mini RFRA: A Return to Separate But Equal,” 65 DEPAUL L. REV. 1015 (2016) (co-authored with Terri Day).

Danielle Weatherby, “The Case for LGBT Equality: Reviving the Political Process Doctrine and Repurposing the Dormant Commerce Clause,” 81 BROOK. L. REV. 1015 (2016) (co-authored with Terri Day).


Danielle Weatherby, “From Jack to Jill: Gender Expression as Protected Speech in the Modern Schoolhouse,” 39 N.Y.U. Rev. L. & Soc. Change 89 (2015).


Danielle Weatherby, “Commentary on Hively v. Ivey Tech. Community College,” in FEMINIST JUDGMENTS: EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION OPINIONS REWRITTEN (Cambridge University Press 2020).

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